— 卯目的资源粮屯 —

Hurt - Johnny Cash





Hurt        by Jonny Cash

I hurt myself today                        我今天弄伤了自己

To see if I still feel                         去试探还能否知觉

I focus on the pain                        我只感受那疼痛

The only thing that real                它是唯一真实的东西

The needle tears a hole                如针尖穿刺出一个空洞

The old familiar sting                   传来如旧日记忆般熟悉的刺痛

Try to kill it all away                      试图摆脱一切

But I remember everything          但我记得每一件事

What have I become                   看我变成什么样

My sweetest friend                      我最亲爱的朋友

Everyone I know                          每一个我认识的人

Goes away in the end                  最终都离我而去

And you could have it all            把我的一切都带走吧

My empire of dirt                         我那座尘喧的帝国

I will let you down                       只因,我终将让你失望

I will make you hurt                     终将让你受伤

I wear this crown of thrones        我加冕了这顶荆棘之冠

Upon my liar's chair                     端坐在谎言构筑的王座上

Full of broken thoughts               脑袋里全是支离破碎的过去

I can not repair                             我已不能拼凑

Beneath the stains of time          时间的污垢之下

The feelings disappear                我渐渐麻木不仁

You are someone else                 你早已重获新生

I am still right here                      我却还在原地伫望

What have I become                   看我变成什么样

My sweetest friend                      我最亲爱的朋友

Everyone I know                          每一个我认识的人

Goes away in the end                 最终都离我而去

And you could have it all           把我的一切都带走吧

My empire of dirt                        我那座尘喧的帝国

I will let you down                      只因,我终将让你失望

I will make you hurt                    终将让你受伤

If I could start again                    如果我能重新来过

A million miles away                   即使与现在相差千里

I would keep myself                    我想记得我自己

I would find a way                       我想找到另一种未来


